
Site Policy

This web site is operated and maintained by SIGMA Corporation (hereinafter called "SIGMA"). When you access our web site ("Web Site"), you are assumed to agree these terms and conditions ("Terms and Conditions") set forth below.


SIGMA pays careful attention to posting the information to this Web Site. However SIGMA assumes no responsibility for accuracy, usefulness, reliability, or fitness for the purpose of the customers, or safety (including such as uninterruption in operation, errors free, virus free, communications failure, and internet access difficulties etc.) in the information of this Web Site. SIGMA will not be liable for any damage (including without limitation consequential damages, lost profits or damages resulting from the use or inability of use the information in this site. SIGMA does not take any responsibility for direct or indirect damage due to malfunction of software and hardware of your computer, any other peripheral devices, and network environment caused by your access to this site, except when required by laws.


All materials (documents, images, files, sound, programs, etc) on this Web Site are administrated by SIGMA and are protected by copyright laws, related agreements and other laws of Japan and other countries. You can use the materials and various contents of this website only for individual or personal use and for noncommercial purposes. It is forbidden to use the contents of this website or commit other acts (including transfer, lease, duplication, alteration, use for public transmission, etc.) without the prior approval from SIGMA. However, in the case of specific contents displaying individual terms of use in the website of SIGMA, they will have priority over the general terms of copyright applying to the website.


The trademark "SIGMA" and any other products names, service names used in this Web Site are trademarks or registered trademarks of SIGMA Corporation. All other company or product names used in this Web Site are trademarks or the registered trademarks of their respective holders. If you would like to use the trademark or the registered trademark of SIGMA, you are required to make an agreement with SIGMA.


SIGMA has the policy not to accept any technical ideas (including, but not limited to, patents and utility models), designs, and other ideas ("Ideas")from the public. In order to avoid any possible future misunderstanding or conflicts
with you or other person with respect to the intellectual property rights, you are requested not to send any information which may contain your Ideas to SIGMA. Despite the foregoing request, if you send your Ideas to SIGMA, such Ideas will be treated upon the understanding that you agreed to the following terms:

  1. SIGMA has no obligation to treat your Ideas as confidential information.
  2. SIGMA has no obligation to study, evaluate or answer your Ideas.
  3. SIGMA has no responsibility and shall not be liable for any compensation caused by your Ideas.


Personal Information provided by you through this Web Site is handled according to the Privacy Policy of SIGMA.


Those non-SIGMA websites ("Linked sites"), which are linked to or from SIGMA Web Sites, are independently operated and managed by each corporation or individual. They are not under the control and/or supervision of SIGMA, and SIGMA does not warrant or guarantee the contents of Linked sites. SIGMA does not always intend to have special relationship, such as affiliation and cooperation, with those companies that operate Linked sites. SIGMA does not always intend to recommend products or services provided by those companies or individuals who operate Linked sites. When you use Linked sites at your own risk, please confirm the terms of use of each linked site. SIGMA assumes no responsibility for contents provided by Linked sites or any damage caused by your use of Linked sites.