
Creating is embracing possibilities and being free from rules.

50mm F1.4 DG DN
Special Impression

by Elliot Aubin

As far as I remember, documenting with pictures always fascinated me. When I was a kid, I was often the one who took photographs during family reunions or the one you would find wandering in one of my hometown's parks, out for a walk, to capture and immortalize absolutely everything around. Between nature and numerous flowers, it's been a huge playground for me to develop my creativity.

As a 10-year-old kid, knocking around with my digital point & shoot, I captured the world with a genuine will to improve every day a little more. I didn't know it yet but those were my first steps as the photographer I would become later.

During middle school, this growing passion became more and more real as I started to take pictures of my friends who kindly agreed to be my subjects. This is the ritual that got me specialized in portrait photography. It became a revelation really fast and I would spend all my spare time taking photos of people, processing my images as soon as I was home, and publishing them on social networks to know other people's opinion. It helped me to quickly gain skills and experiences that would help me for the future.

Leaving my comfort zone and jumping into the deep end

Joining Instagram was a milestone for me as I grew a supportive and faithful community there. All the kindness I met here gave me confidence in my work and helped me see further.

Barely out of high school, I signed my first commissioned works and saw myself working more and more in Paris. For the first time, photography looks like a hobby that could become a full-time job.

Next step was joining a film school to follow a more academic path. Unfortunately, it wasn't really a success at the end of the day. I wasn't that motivated by this way at first and that I had this "fear" of locking myself up and being told how to create, I remember I lived it as a failure.

Moving forward as a self-taught photographer was what I needed. As today, feeling free to imagine a scenery, create a set-up and freeing from rules is a big part of why I chose this work. My decision was made and it was time to run my own photo business... and to this day, I'm glad I did it!

Discovering the SIGMA 50mm F1.4 DG DN | Art

I am a huge fan of SIGMA 35mm F1.4 DG DN | Art and its focal length. Its versatility appealed to me very quickly and the lens never leaves me. A true love story.

It's a lens that opened my work to a whole new dimension, especially in dance photography. But I was happy to shake my habits a little bit and try that classic focal length of 50mm. And what better opportunity to embrace the iconic standard with the new SIGMA 50mm F1.4 DG DN | Art?

So I took advantage of a trip to Reunion Island to discover tropical landscapes, and I discovered beautiful places sublimated by dreamy sunsets through this lens.

* The images without photograph data have been created with lenses other than SIGMA 50mm F1.4 DG DN | Art

I notice that the SIGMA 50mm F1.4 DG DN | Art gives me a whole new approach to my shots.

I think the narrower focal length makes my point of view more mature and helps me to achieve new render, always with the Art precision. I feel that it is not limiting, nor a brake to my image composition because despite its angle of view a little more closed, I love how it allows me to highlight the subject from the background thanks to its wide aperture. This is a great advantage to focus even more on the expressions of the models I photograph.

And now, it perfectly fits my photography. It's a lens I can totally see following me daily in shooting, for professional or personal work.

I love to feature both the softness and the strength of a look through my pictures. This is the core of my photographic style and the SIGMA 50mm F1.4 DG DN | Art will be a great companion to my SIGMA 35mm F1.4 DG DN | Art to write the next part of my story.



Elliot Aubin

Photographer & Videographer

Elliot Aubin is a French photographer and videographer specialized in portrait and dance photography. Once a self taught photographer, he's now working for various brands and models with a very distinctive style, depicting his subjects in their surroundings and giving a particular care to the light, as he needs to bring his pictures to life. Elliot is living between his hometown of Nantes, Brittany, to which he's attached and the city of Paris, feeding on all that these two cities have to offer and on their very own particularities.

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