[ A photo file for the people who enjoy photography with SIGMA. ]
Hearing plants breathe and whisper with SIGMA’s camera
I have been using the SIGMA dp2 Quattro since early spring 2018. I had become interested in SIGMA thanks to a friend’s recommendation and felt a connection with their manufacturing philosophy. I decided on this camera because I wanted to shoot photographs that look as natural as possible. When I was using the camera, I noticed that I was taking photographs that went even beyond my intentions. I took my photographs with a certain intent, of course, yet when I developed the photos on my computer I was nonplussed nonetheless: it was as if there was a different world living within my photographs.
I love finding the beauty in flowers that hide in spots no-one else would ever look. I often photograph plants that I encounter in everyday life. To me, the SIGMA camera is a tool through which I can come face to face with my subjects; it is one way for me to hear the plants breathe and listen to their whispers. Anytime I need to catch my breath and enter into a conversation with nature, I take the camera with me. I like its ability to capture expressions of even the smallest things.
SIGMA’s brand image is that they are serious about manufacturing. Also, I feel inspired by their stance to create the products they want to create rather than base everything on economic efficiency and sales numbers. With a mindset like that, it is easy to grow attached to their products and cherish them for years to come.

Shinya Fujiwara
Born in Japan, Ibaraki prefecture in 1988. After working as an engineer at a web development company, Fujiwara started working freelance in 2005. His spare time is spent on growing vegetables, exploring nature with neighborhood children and experimenting with changes to his lifestyle.