
[ A photo file for the people who enjoy photography with SIGMA. ]

Taking photos with depth and character as a photography newcomer with SIGMA

teshi minorihair stylist, artist

I’m using a SIGMA dp2 Quattro at the moment. I picked it up about three years ago because it was the camera that someone I admired was using. It is the first camera I have bought for myself, and to be honest I bought it without knowing anything about cameras. But even though I was a complete beginner, I remember being surprised that I could shoot photographs with character and depth with the camera. However, it was a bit of a challenge to take photographs without numbing the camera’s inherent character.

The building in which I work as a hair stylist was built shortly after the war. It possesses a certain retro charm, and I often take photographs there, of sceneries, decorative flower, customers’ hairstyles or the cats we’re keeping. I also often go outside to shoot plants.

In addition to my work as a hair stylist, I’m also active as an artist mainly focused on painting. Since I have got my SIGMA camera, I have come to understand the charm of photography a lot better. I’m capturing scenes from my daily life, and occasionally I’ll find ways to link that to my art.

SIGMA has got a simple, unique brand image, doesn’t it? I have a lot of friends who also take photographs, but – perhaps because this camera is a special one – I often hear that “using SIGMA is a mania” (in a good way!), and lately I’ve started to feel what that means. Perhaps I enjoy standing out like this a little… (laughs)

Another thing you often hear when using a SIGMA camera is “I want to try it out!” The looks of the camera are part of the reason, but the photos it is able to take also seem to raise people’s interest.

teshi minori

hair stylist, artist

Born in Sasebo (Nagasaki) in 1996.
teshi minori works as a hair stylist at “Hair Design Gram” in Hakata (Fukuoka) and as an artist, focusing on paintings created with acrylic paints and yarn.

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