SIGMA fp : a camera led by its users
I believe the SIGMA fp’s announcement and release in 2019 are one of the biggest milestones in our company’s history. I would like to use this chance to express once more my sincere gratitude to the many customers who enjoy and have praised the camera since its release.
Thanks to the internet and social media, I am allowed a glimpse at the many different ways in which people use the SIGMA fp. The great diversity of usage styles is exactly in line with the idea of “scalability” at the heart of the SIGMA fp’s concept. As a manufacturer, learning about the many different accessories and lenses – even vintage lenses – with which people enjoy the camera can only be described as utmost elation.
Thinking back, the initial impetus for the camera’s start was the idea to have a full-frame yet compact camera that I could easily take with me on trips overseas. While the SIGMA dp2 Quattro often accompanies me as part of my luggage, I wanted to have the choice of a full-frame, interchangeable lens as well. The notion to be able to freely select accessories to shoot in my own personal style was inspired by professional cinematographers who build their camera systems to meet their preferences and the requirements of their shoots.
To say that the age of manufacturers deciding top-down how their systems will be used is coming to an end would be an exaggeration, I think. But a look at the world of fashion or music reveals that already the mainstream is directly influenced by trends that are born on the streets. In the end, it is the people (e.g. customers) who decide, and they will continue to define their own individual styles as existing products and methods are deconstructed. If we at SIGMA could play a part in the emergence and flourishing of such a photo and cinema culture, I would be beyond delighted. I am excited to find out how the SIGMA fp community will affect and change how the camera is used in the future.