The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Early Summer/2015
I have never really watched much TV, with one great exception: ‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’, a Granada TV production. There is no shortage of Sherlock Holmes adaptations but even among the plentitude of portrayals, this highly praised series manages to stand out. Watching it every week was an essential part of my life in the 80s and 90s.
Jeremy Brett is without a doubt the definitive Holmes. A short taste of his skill as an actor and of his overwhelming presence should be enough proof of his right to that title. Of course, the rest of the fantastic cast (Dr Watson!) also do their part to make the series so great, but above all things it is the series’ recreation of 19th century Britain, from the way the streets look down to the tools and costumes, that is truly incredible. I don’t watch it for the stories alone — each and every scene in the series captivates me upon each new viewing.
The quality of the series is not just due to the size of its budget. The ambitions, the passion of every member of its large cast and crew must have had a significant influence.
Classics go beyond time. I believe that they manage to hold a universal value, one that surpasses the period of their creation, and I believe this value stems from the passion and the skill from the people involved in the classic’s creation.
Drawing a connection to our company, we put a lot of passion and determination into each of our products, too. But is it enough, and can it be felt by our customers? Every now and then during the daily manufacturing and developing, I wonder about that question.